Wednesday 19 Jan - 3 Rnds - 10 Toes To Bar, 20 Tyre Jumps

 LIFT - 3x4 Hang Clean


  1. Hey Kel!
    Had every intention of doing Elizabeth Rx'd yesterday but after just recovering from a tummy bug my food was saying hello at only rep 5 of the cleans! I ended up scaling to 15-9-6 and it took me 16:20
    Disappointing but I kept my food in :)
    Also got 40kg on the 5x5 push press

    Have fun in Brissie
    Amy D

  2. Hi Kel,

    Five rnds of: GHD sit up, 5 push jerk.

    Carmen - 30kg, 6:35. Cazz - 20kg, 6:47. Sarah - 15kg, 8:03

    then, CFD WOD (toes to bar scaled to knees to chest - sorry Kel, we couldn't do these!)

    Sarah - 5:30, Carmen - 5:32, Cazz - 6:03

    then, 1.5km run.

  3. Hello again!

    3 rnds 400m run, 20 burpees, 15 Sumo DLHP:

    Carmen: 25kg, 15:47
    Sarah: 20kg, 15:23

    Planned on doing 5 rnds, but still pooped after this mornings effort...

  4. Woah Carmen you and your CF Timor buddies have been training hard! Awesome work! I bet they love you for introducing them to burpees!!

    Thanks for always posting your results Amze D - we all love reading about what you guys are up to!


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