Wednesday 1 November - WOD: 20 Power Snatch, 20 Overhead Squat, 20 Power Clean, 20 Front Squat

Congratulations to all who attended the CrossFit Level 1 Seminar!

Sunday 29 October - 10 - 11am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: Medball Clean, Double Under, Dumbbell DeadLift, Medball Sit Up

Saturday 28 October - WOD: From Toby With Love.

8:30am Child Minding

Sunday 22 October - 10 - 11am Workout at Esplanade

This weekend we are hosting a CF Level 1 Trainers Course so we can't use the gym. 
Instead we are going to meet at Bicentennial Park Play Space at 10am. Don't forget sunscreen, water, a towel and a hat.

Saturday 21 October - WOD: 'Saturday On The Green'

This weekend we are hosting a CF Level 1 Trainers Course so we can't use the gym. 
Instead we are going to meet in front of the Mangrove Board Walk (East Point) at 8:30am and 4pm. After the workout you can go for a swim and stick around for a B&E roll in the morning and a refreshing beverage in the afternoon. Don't forget sunscreen, water, swimsuits, a towel and a hat.
8:30am Child Minding

Friday 20 October - WOD: 3 Power Clean and Push Jerk, 9 Ring Push Up, 12 Box Jump

Skills WOD
Strength: 1RM Clean & Jerk

Monday 16 October - WOD: 'Nasty Girls'

Skills WOD
Strength: 1RM Hang Power Clean

Sunday 15 October - 10 - 11am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: Cals, Double Unders, DeadBall Carry, Hang Power Snatch

Saturday 14 October - WOD: “The Seven”

8:30am Child Minding 

Friday 13 October - WOD: Shoulder to OverHead, Push Up, Sumo DeadLift High Pull, Row

Strength: 1RM Strict Press, 1RM Push Press

Thursday 12 October - WOD: 4 Toes To Bar, 4 Shuttle Run

Strength: 1 Power Snatch

Monday 9 October - WOD: Pull Up, Wall Ball, Box Jump, Cal

Strength: 2 Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat

Sunday 8 October - 10 - 11am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: Ring Row, V-Sit, Push Up, Bear Crawl

Friday 6 October - WOD: Barbell Up Ladder

Skills WOD

Wednesday 4 October - 8 Bench Hops, 4 DeadLift

Strength: 2RM Bench Press, 2RM DeadLift