Sunday 29 May - 10 - 11am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: 200 Lunge Steps, 150 Sit Ups, 100 Hand Release Push Up, 50 DeadBall Squat Clean
Partition reps however you like.

Wednesday 25 May - Strength: 3RM Bench Press

Skills WOD: Bar Muscle Up, HandStand Walk, Ring Muscle Up, Pistol Squat

Sunday 22 May - 10 - 11am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: 20 Box Step Up, 20 Dumbbell Snatch, 15 Push Up, 15 Pull Up, 10 Cal Row, 10 Cal Ski or Bike. Every 5mins, including 3,2,1...go!, 200m Run

Saturday 21 May - WOD: 3 Rounds - 1 Rope Climb, 11 Cals, 22 Power Snatch, 33 Sit Up, 44 Goblet Squat, 55 Double Unders

📸 danielarphoto

No child minding tomorrow at 8:30am class!
Apologies for any inconvenience.

Wednesday 18 May - WOD: AMRAP - 5 Muscle Up, 10 Squat Clean

📸 danielarphoto

Core WOD: Plank, Side Plank, Hollow Hold, Flutter Kicks, Atomic Sit Ups, Side Twists

Sunday 15 May - 10 - 11am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: 2x 4 Rounds - Wall Ball, Burpees, Sit Ups, Backward Single Skip, Toes to Bar;

Friday 13 May - WOD: 4 Rounds - 10 Box Step Up, 10 Pike Push Up, 7 Burpee Pull Up

Strength: 3RM Strict Press
Skills WOD: Strict Pull Ups, Strict HandStand Push Up, Strict Toes To bar, Pistol Squats

Wednesday 11 May - WOD: 10 - 1 OverHead Squat, 1 - 10 Sumo DeadLift High Pull

Skills: Pistol Squat, Strict Muscle Up

Monday 9 May - 'Nicole': AMRAP - 400m Run, Max Pull Ups

Strength: 1RM Behind Neck Push Jerk

Sunday 8 May - 10 - 11am Open Gym & WOD

WOD: 4 Rounds: 40m Bear Crawl, 40m Burpee Broad Jump, 40m Lunge/Lunge/Squat
3 Rounds: 20/15 Cal Row, 20 Toes Thru Rings, 20/15 Cal Bike or Ski, 20 V-Sit

Thursday 5 May - Open WOD 17.4: AMRAP - 55 DeadLift, 55 Wall Ball, 55 Cal Row, 55 HandStand Push Up

Strength: 3RM & 1RM Bench Press

Today it’s CFD’s 12th birthday. We wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who has made the twelve years so special here at CrossFit Darwin. The gym wouldn’t be what it is without your love and support!

Wednesday 4 May - WOD: 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 Front Squat


Congratulations to Valentina and Stacey who attended the NT Open and Masters Competition on 24th April!