Sunday 26 Dec - Park WOD

Practice - Double Unders
WOD - 12 Min AMRAP - 7 Double Unders, 7 KettleBell Swings, 7 Burpees
Alternate WOD - Go for a REALLY LONG bike ride!


  1. Merry Christmas guys,

    I know its a day late but we are a whole day behind here, so our Christmas has just begun!

    - Aaron and Amy

  2. Hi Amze and Az! So jealous of your white Christmas!! Hope you have the best day.

  3. G'Day Kel,
    I did 'Tabata this' today. Used the Tabata timer from my previous entry, got to remember to adjust my settings so the screensaver / powersaver doesn't cut it out half way through!
    Substituted skipping (singles) for rowing. Used blue bands for pullups. Got a score of 57.
    Catch up soon.


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