Wednesday 17 Nov - 400m Run, 21 KB Swing (24/16), 21 Burpees, 200m Run, 15 KB Swing, 15 Double Unders, 100m Run, 9 KB Swing, 9 Ring Dips

 Compare to 11 Sep


  1. cf tenacity

    warm up
    12 good mornings
    12 lunges
    four rounds

    Dead lift
    3-3-3 max 65 kg

    WOD 12 min AMRAP
    15 kettle bell ( 16/12)
    15 sit ups
    15 lunges

    7 ROUNDS and 40

  2. i know my 1 RM was 60 kg!! The last 3 reps were realy hard!! i had no choice cause there was not enough bars and the other girl was lifting that!!


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