Saturday 07 Aug - 5 Rnds - 10 OverHead Squat (50/35), 15 Toes To Bar, 20 Sit Ups

One class today - 8-9am.
So get out of bed and get your WOD done - or spend the rest of the day wishing you had!!


  1. Hey Kel i may bring myself in for a WOD tomorrow :)

  2. Would be pleasure to have you Streety. It is an Open Gym so you can pretty much do whatever you like - WOD, Lift, Skills - whatever. Don Stevenson, Level 2 Oly Lifting Coach (among other things) will be there to advise, technique correct and talk so you should come in for sure. Timings are 4-5pm, or until we get sick of lifting!


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