Sunday 02 May - CrossFit Darwin Rest Day

So after our chat today on nutrition I was thinking of starting up a 'paleo challenge'. Who would be willing to eat only 'real food' for 6 weeks? Let me know if you are keen and I will come up with a solid plan for it.


  1. yes kelly, bruce & katrina would be interested

  2. Jay & Kel,

    Always up for a challenge

  3. Yes Kel that would be a good challenge.

    Morning WOD: light familiarisation run with the COY then straight into yesterdays WOD, backwards wasn't any easier. Sub HSPU for assisted HSPU - as Rx'd 18:01.

    Afternoon WOD: 5km row - 18:27

    p.s. Nice time on yesterdays WOD Jay, you smashed it!!

  4. Cool, I will release the details for the paleo challenge during the week.

    Nice row time Chris!

  5. Lets see how this Paleo thing goes, I'm in ;)


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