Saturday 22 May - 20 Shoulder to Overhead (60kg/40kg), 40 Burpees

CrossFit develops General Physical Preparedness (GPP). The biggest gains in GPP are made by working on your weaknesses. Before the WOD we will work on Kipping, Double Unders and Handstand Push Ups. Need proof - read Ian's post from yesterday !


  1. Dang! REALLY wanted to do this at the box with all of you!
    Sadly, we need to catch up on loads of work as we are leaving in two short weeks :-o

    Worked on my Double Unders this morning though, they are coming back!

  2. I got around 05.43 min for the WOD.
    Noticed an improvement in my hand stand balance without the bands.

  3. kel- 7:02 @ 35kg

    Jay- 5... 20ish...5... 30ish... lets just call it 5 flat...@ 25kg

  4. Tried at 80kg but failed so dropped back to 70kg, forgot to time tho. Was harder than it looked tho!


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