Wednesday 31 Aug - 20min AMRAP - 15 DeadLift (80/60), 10 Toes To Bar, 1 Rope Ascent


  1. Hey Kel,

    WOD 1
    yesterdays CFD WOD
    Time- 4:27 Rx'd

    WOD 2, Didn't have a rope to climb so modified it a little...
    5rnds for time:
    5x Medball Clean @ 40kg Rock
    15x Toes to Rings
    Time- 7:41

    Then layed down and fell asleep in the sun.. gotta love the summer in Canada.

    -Aaron G

  2. Delight 4 rounds
    Gary 5 rounds
    We did 6 thrusters (50/30) to replace rope ascent Kell.


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